What is Human Beings – Being Conditioned

Question: watching movies: Never Let Me Go and Blade Runner. 1/ What is human being? 2/ What is AI? and what is the right relationship between human and AI?

What is Human Beings – Being Conditioned

 “What we are?” or “who we are?” is always the never lasting question coming to one as a human being. The way we know what or who we are is also the way we live and identify ourselves and so what are ‘others’, what is purpose or meaning of life, and what make humanity?

Human understanding is conditioned

What we are knowing about the world and ourselves is formed by so many conditions. Someone says that “no one is an island”, it is true that we have come into the world means coming into a society which has contributed by many constructions, such as tradition, culture, ethic, education, etc. Society brings us knowledge, so helps us discover the world and who we are in order to live happily. However, these knowledge has also conditioned ourselves and the way we know the world and human beings. In education, the way our knowledge has formed is affected by the formers, by their points of view, maybe the colony, the major, the authority, and the government. In Never Let Me Go, education for those whom the ‘true’ human beings name and identify as other kinds of beings has problem, because there is something told and not told. The replicate has learned that their meaning of live is for donating organs, they have learned some rigid practices, and do not have chances and ability to have some kind of real experiences. They even have learned that they do not have soul, nly ‘true’ human do have. Actually, our understanding of human beings and the world are conditioned, so we do need to justify and critic openly. Honestly, now there are endless arguments about the topic of humanity covering my mind, just like coming to the horizon, an immense void, stay in the margin, or the liminal space.

What is human beings? – Born vs Made

Thinking of the replicate, understanding of human being, which has been built on some concepts, needed to be changed. Somehow what we identify as human beings is related to the starting point. Human is “born” and replicate is “made”, so not be human and don’t have soul. In the film Never Let Me Go, at the last scene, Kathy remember Hailsham where she come from, and requests herself: who she is, what human beings is, and who have right to be happy. She said: “What I am not sure about, is if our lives have been so different from the lives of people we save. We all complete, maybe none of us really understand what we have lived through and feel we have had enough time.” I believe that those as replicate have emotions. They long to love and to be loved. In the film, Kathy and Tommy discover that their sexual desire is natural instinct, not made or copied. They have creativity. Moreover, the way naming the replicate “made” is not true, they are truly born from a “mother” and growing up like as child. In short, the way we identify humanity is for both the replicate and ‘true’ human.

Relationship between human and artificial intelligence

In our generation, here and now, what we identify humanity needed to be reexamined in many places in the discourse of artificial intelligence. We are used to identify and are identifying human is one having reasoning. This identity is still good, isn’t it?

Minsky and McCarthy described artificial intelligence as any task performed by a program or a machine that, if a human carried out the same activity, we would say the human had to apply intelligence to accomplish the task.[1] AI can be a robot, cyborg. These machines are programed and follow the values. Nowadays, AI has contributed and brought many positive effects into so many fields, planning, learning, reasoning, problem solving, knowledge representation, perception, motion, and manipulation, and health care.

In my point of view, AI is good at processing data, but they are bad at thinking in abstract. Because they use technique algorithms to analyze data so we need to break down a task into data, so that AI will be able to learn it. I think that how we can transfer all things into data, because beings and reality go beyond statistic and number, and even language, much more than these.

AI causes many ethical issues. AI is programed to follow the values which we put into the computer. Absolutely, these values are put into the machine by someone, not by all population. The computer has their own inside data, they are not base on humanity with real emotion, freedom, rather it is about productivity. Even the data put into the AI, which is from some part of the majority, so the right for the minority is affected. Nowadays, AI does not only work as responding to a stimulator rigidly, they can learn by themselves, but they actually do not ‘learn’ literally. In addition, AI don’t have moral choice, because they don’t have ability to make their own value, so they cannot be moral subject. Only human have freedom, will, and obligation to what we judge and behave in interpersonal relationships with others. These diverse factors have not yet been built into AI systems.

I think we as human need to build a framework to guide the AI. They are just good at in some fields. Only human is the subject of morality and AI is a tool to make a greater decision, we cannot follow totally their own decision.

Nowadays, in case of Sophia Robot, ‘she’ has right of a citizen. But I think it is not adequate to compare robot and human. For me, they are intelligent, they are smarter but just in some fields. Especially in the discourse of body, we are human because we have body, a physical lively body, which can create new life, a body with gender.

In summary, the world and our understand of it has become and is on the liminal period. The reality has developed and has become more strange, less familiar with what we used to closed. This is a ongoing process of re-identify the nature of every things. There is something new coming, and some vision that are totally out of my dream and imagination. The way I know my self and the world has changed. These points of my view here is at present, but I do not know what will be in the future.


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